Getting Published on Amazon

Never has there been a better time to get published. Over the last few years, the largest upheaval since the Guttenberg Press has hit the publishing marketplace and most avid readers don't even know it.

Years ago, getting your book published involved a tedious and time-consuming process that took most writers years. And in the vast majority of cases, most writers never saw their book in print.

Amazon has revolutionized the Author/Publisher model of direct book sales. Gone is the need for an agent, no long book proposals needed, and you get 100% of the book royalties. Amazon has essentially cut out the middleman.

David has worked with other emerging writers, writers just like you, in getting their written work published on Amazon. Your book will be available in both paperback as well as Amazon Kindle e-book format for readers worldwide. 

The New Face of Publishing

As the literary landscape shifts and changes, there remains strong demand for quality content and full-length books. While many think the trend in today's world is toward smaller, faster, and a more instant reality than ever, consumers still love the experience of being fully immersed in a good book. Books entertain and educate us - and they so often inspire us.

Full length book projects take many shapes and forms. Perhaps your manuscript is book-ready and you need to bring it to your readership in print and e-book format. Maybe you have a rough manuscript and a dream to help others through your written work.

David has worked with a myriad of authors successfully bringing their books to readers worldwide.

For more information, please contact David today. He'll let you know in no-nonsense terms what can be done to bring your book to life.

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